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Jomar Jomar Jomar

The Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Board Meetings

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  • The Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Board Meetings

Meeting in person can be a hassle for board members of nonprofit organizations. Virtual technology has many advantages for virtual meetings. This includes:

The capability to reach out the entire globe. This can result in an increase in diversity on the board, and more comprehensive perspective on governance.

The cost of travel is reduced. This can save time and money and decrease the environmental impact of board member travel.

There is less confusion about attendance and the quorum. This is particularly the case when you use a tool for board management that allows members to sign in with ease.

This gives more flexibility in scheduling. This allows nonprofits to schedule board meetings at times most convenient for their members.

Increased engagement. A well-planned agenda, and a clear structure for board meetings will facilitate this. A more engaged and collaborative board will lead to better decision-making.

Challenges of virtual board meetings

Although it is easier to concentrate on work in a virtual meeting rather than physically held meetings but it’s not easy to stay clear of distractions like checking emails or eating snacks while the call is in progress. To avoid this from happening, it’s essential to establish a standard for conversation prior to the meeting. To minimize background noise, you can tell participants that it’s polite to turn off their microphones whenever they aren’t speaking. Keep meetings short in order to maintain attention and engagement. Checking in regularly with attendees who are not in the room to see whether they have any thoughts on a particular topic might help too.

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