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Jomar Jomar Jomar

Types of Data Security

There are a variety of data security, which protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. These cybersecurity practices include encryption as well as access restrictions (both physical and digital) and many more. From the giants of global banking that handle huge amounts of personal and financial information to the small-scale business that stores the contact information of its customers on an iPhone All businesses deal with data in some way. In this context it is more vital than ever for businesses to implement effective measures to protect their data.

Data breaches are common and can result in business losses in terms of lost profits as well as incident response costs legal fees, or fines from regulatory agencies. The best way to protect your data is to implement a range of different techniques and processes, including access controls, encryption of data and backing up your data regularly.

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an individual prior to granting access to data that they need to perform their job. It’s the modern equivalent of using something you’ve got (e.g. password, for example)) or something you’re (e.g. fingerprints, for instance) to gain access to your device or computer.

Data masking can rewrite data into an unreadable format that only authorized viewers are able to comprehend, so if hackers intercept the data, they’ll likely receive nothing useful. It’s a good idea to implement solutions like encryption of files and datasets tokenization and other techniques to help protect your data even more.

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