The procedures for board meetings determine the way in which meetings are conducted and the type of decisions made at a board meeting. Meetings are usually conducted remotely, so it is crucial to have clear guidelines for board meetings in place to ensure that all members are on same page.
First, send the agenda to all members. Include any relevant documents such as a financial report for the company or projections. This allows the members to prepare fully for the meeting and provides them with the information they require to make an informed decision on any topic.
In the course of the meeting, participants should be encouraged to take part in the discussion by raising their hand before making any statements or asking questions. They should, however, be mindful of time and avoid asking questions that have already been answered by the board pack. This will help save time.
Anything not mentioned on the agenda may be discussed with the consent of the Chairman and the majority of Directors present at the meeting. Furthermore, any resolution will be ratified through a vote of Directors present at the meeting. In case of an equal number of votes, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
The vote is conducted after a member makes a statement and the chair confirms that there is a majority of people in the room. (This is usually a certain percentage dependent on the laws of the state). Then, the chair states that “the motion fails because of the lack of a second.” If it is necessary to take a vote during the meeting, the chair typically will reintroduce the motion, asking for affirmative votes, and then the negative votes are announced and then the result of the vote.